SolCity Kids!

Performance Group

SolCity Kids!

805 Lucerne Ave Lake Worth , FL 33460



This program will prepare a group of students to perform 3 musical   concerts. Winter, Spring & Summer. They will perform within the community as well.

Singing & Recording

The students will learn exciting   songs of different genres and languages. Recording educational videos in the studio.


For fitness fun! The students will learn basic choreography for their performance.


Music Theory

They will learn basic music theory…music appreciation and music history. We will cover more modern music of all genres from the 50s-90s!


Voice Training

Vocal warm ups to basic sight singing and ear training! The lessons are simplified for the students to become familiar with the technical aspects of music.

It’s more than just music!

I want to Empower the youth through the music arts to better themselves for the future. Give them a positive happy feeling about themselves…a sense of pride and accomplishment. What better way to do it than dancing and singing? Also, they will be learning teamwork by utilizing all of the arts. In the Arts, they will be creating their background set, P.A. sound & lights &, Etiiquette classes for poise. Dreaming their dream of being a star on stage or being a judge in a courtroom. This is where they prepare to be the best they can be!

Register: Fiill out contact form or call 917 524 8145


                                                           Register Now!!!

                                        Fall Session Performance Program

                                                                                    Saturdays 11a-1p

                                                                          Starting August 17th-Dec 14th 

                                                                     $30 a week for 16 week sessions

                                        Discounts for siblings!  ($15 ea for 2)   ( $10 ea for 3 +)

                                                                 Registration fee $20.Awesome price!   


                                                                        Sessions: Fall, Spring & Summer


Downtown Dance Studio 805 Lucerne Ave Lake worth, FL 33460

Enter off of J St in alley way to back of studio on right hand side. There’s a sign on the door


Includes:  (Summer session activities are limited)

1. Vocal Warm ups

2. Breathing exercises

3. Basic Ear Training

4. Basic Sight Singing

5. Music Theory

6. Keyboards (learning scales)

7. Learn Basic Hand Key Signatures and Hand signals

8. Vocal Styling

 9. Rehearse Songs

10. Performance Training

11. Build Song List

12. Learn recording artists

13. Music History 

14. Concerts/Recitals

15. Record one educational video


To register fill out contact form or call 917 524 8145